Safety Division Courses and Workshops
Communities of Faith
Each of our offerings can customized to your institution and your specific training needs. Most can be offered in person, live online, or as asynchronous courses.
A Team Approach to Assessing, Managing, and Mitigating Threat
Law enforcement professionals, in collaboration with community partners such as school counselors and administrators, are tasked with the job of keeping our schools, colleges, and workplaces free of violence and acts of targeted aggression, commonly known as mass shootings. This course offers a practical approach in the recognition and prevention of violence in schools, colleges, workplaces, and communities. This course is designed to provide the terminology, assessment, and intervention skills needed to identify a threat and develop a community-based collaborative mitigation plan.
Designed for law enforcement professionals, but inclusive of all community partners, participants will learn how to develop a violence risk mitigation plan tied to a multi-disciplinary team assessment. They will review concepts related to targeted vs. affective violence, transient and substantive threats, risk and protective/anchor factors for targeted violence, and how BIT/CARE and threat teams operate in law enforcement agencies, schools, colleges workplaces and communities.
D-Prep Safety brings together a team of diverse experienced faculty to tackle this course from the perspectives of counseling, law enforcement, conduct, DEI, Title IX, and human resources. We provide an intersectional perspective that draws from the best research and practice in each of these fields. The multi-disciplinary approach to threat assessment is a best practice supported by the leading governmental organizations and subject matter experts in the field.
More details on our Preparedness Page.

Advanced Intake and Interviewing Skills
Gathering information from another party is an important skill set that crosses over a number of fields including threat assessment, Title IX, case management, conduct/discipline, and law enforcement/campus safety. This course is meant as an advanced track, moving the conversation beyond the interviewing and intake skills outlined in our BIT/CARE trainings. Our team teaches from decades of experience with an intersectional focus on counseling, law enforcement, campus safety, student conduct and legal techniques.
More details at Threat Page.

Advanced Violence Risk and Threat Assessment
This course is designed for those who have completed previous threat assessment courses and have a working knowledge of the modes of violence, types of threats and have a rubric or system they are able to use when assessing risk and threat. We will share advanced concepts related to social media threat assessments, involuntarily celibates (incel), the growing risk of white supremacist violence, report writing, and threat mitigation planning.
More details at Threat Page.

All Hazard Emergency Response
Large-scale emergency incidents and disasters can occur anywhere. When they do, being prepared ahead of time is one of the most important factors in a successful response. This workshop will provide the tools to enable administrators, students, faculty, and staff to manage a wide variety of emergency situations.

Crisis De-Escalation
Drawing on Dr. Brian Van Brunt’s work in his books A Faculty Guide to Disruptive and Dangerous Behavior and A Staff Guide to addressing Disruptive and Dangerous Behavior on Campus, this training will explore the difference between disruptive and dangerous behavior in and outside the classroom. The training will cover how to de-escalate a crisis when it occurs and the importance of sharing this information forward with your BIT/CARE team.

Critical Incident Response
This training includes aspects of critical incident response from the initial response, managing the scene, and working with the media. This course is designed to give all responding personnel the ability to work together during large-scale emergency events. Drawing from principals of incident command system, crisis communication and coordinated response, this training brings together critical concepts from law enforcement, emergency response, psychology, and an all-hazard approach to critical incident response.

Disaster and Emergency Preparedness for Staff and Families
Being ready before a flood, hurricane, wildfire, mass shooting, power outage, hazmat spill, or medical emergency is critical to responding effectively. Given that there are many types of disasters and hazards/emergencies, it is important to identify what vulnerabilities and risks are present prior to the crisis occurring. One of the concerns DPrep has identified is ensuring staff and families have adequate personal emergency plans at their homes to ensure they are focused on effectively working as part of the implementation of the overall school, college, or university plan, knowing that they’re loved ones are safe and prepared.
More details on our Preparedness Page.

Effective Crisis Communication
Knowing how to successfully navigate and manage high stakes communication at a news conference, during emotional conversations with community members, during hiring and firing meetings, when discussing performance improvement plans, and within the departmental chain of command are essential skills for those asked to speak for the department to third parties. It is essential to have a strategy to communicate effectively, avoid blunders, and manage ‘hot spots’ in a way that addresses the third-party concerns while maintaining the integrity and goals of the department.
This course lays the groundwork necessary for organizations to respond effectively in a crisis or significant event. While communications delivered in daily situations are important, it is critical to understand the difference between daily communication practices and a crisis communication strategy. When done well, those communicating can build and sustain trust and effectively exhibit transparency and authenticity in their communications.
More details on our Preparedness Page.

Mindset Active Assailant Program
DPrep Safety’s Mindset Active Assailant Training blends the leading research in psychology, law enforcement, and military theory with our instructor’s practice and experience to emphasize early preparation prior to an attack. Through a trauma-informed approach to instructional design, we educate teachers, administrators, and other employees to increases awareness of their surroundings. This awareness improves reaction time and empowers community members to act rather than becoming frozen by fear or indecision. The Mindset program helps participants choose the best course of action, leading to a better chance of survival.
More details on our Preparedness Page.

Parenting in the Storm: Helping Our Kids Through the Pandemic
Let’s face it, things haven’t been easy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of us have experienced financial hardships, fear and worry about an uncertain future and struggles to keep up with the pace of school and work during a time of intense pressure and uncertainty. This workshop will address the stress, challenges and difficulties faced by parents and students during the pandemic and offer some practical advice and solutions. We will address the challenges facing us all, with a specific attention to the unique challenges of raising a child in today’s pandemic landscape.
An awareness of how elementary, middle, and high school children react to chronic stress, financial tensions, and academic and career uncertainty
Clear and practical advice on what helps (and what doesn’t)
Guidance on what to look for in terms of more serious concerns such as acting out, aggressive behavior and suicide
A review of how people have experienced the pandemic differently when it comes to issues of culture, privilege, and access to services (such as transportation, food, shelter, and medical care)

Protecting the Flock: Safety and Security for Communities of Faith
This course provides with you a layered security approach to keeping congregants safe. Houses of worship present a target to those planning violence against certain ideologies and communities and we have a duty to prepare to respond to these dangers. Our seasoned presenters will share with you the importance of developing a safety and security plan that includes both an assessment of physical security measures (cameras, fences, bollards, doors, refuge points) and behavioral threat assessment concepts (risk factors for targeted violence, behavioral indicators for violence potential).
The training is useful for greeters, ushers, leadership team members, volunteers, members of your safety and security team, and any community members with past medical, law enforcement or psychological training. Drawing from core concepts in law enforcement, psychology and threat assessment, this training offers a wide range of content useful for new and seasoned teams alike. From crisis de-escalation skills to developing policy and procedures to responding in the event of an active threat, this program will offer clear, well-researched and practical advice proven to reduce the risk of violence and save lives.
This one-day course spends the two morning sessions introducing and reviewing key concepts related to emergency preparedness planning and the importance of adopting a prevention, intervention, post-vention approach. Core concepts in physical security as well as behavioral assessment of threat indicators will be discussed. In the afternoon sessions, our team will share three programs developed by the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency offered in a “train-the-trainer” capacity, leaving the group with the ability to teach core concepts related to the Power of Hello, Crisis De-escalation, and Behavioral Threat Indicators. The course will end with a review of important response training related to an active shooter.
More details on our Preparedness Page.

Situational Awareness
Attending to potential safety and security concerns in the community and schools is the best way to get out ahead in front of violence, crime, assault, threat, and danger. This practical and engaging workshop brings the principles of situational awareness into the hands of student leadership and residential life staff. This program teaches life skills that are applicable to college and beyond.
Some practical examples include:
Staying safe online and with cash apps
Being aware at parties and knowing the risks
Understanding the signs of threat and dangerousness
Safety concerns at gas stations, in the residence halls, rural settings, parking lots, and at night

Talking to Kids About Scary Things: School Shootings, Suicide, and Trauma
What should you say to your child following a school shooting? How do you talk to them following the death of a friend or when they experience trauma?
Join us for some practical advice and a discussion with parents on this important issue. This program will address how to talk to kids after large critical incidents like school shootings, suicide or other traumas occur. This practical and interactive workshop will help participants better prepare for these conversations with expert advice. Drawing from best practices in trauma response and culturally informed interventions, the workshop will offer practical advice and guidance to help primary and secondary students right after the trauma and in the days and months that follow.
Learn the importance of preparing to have these conversations beforehand and the importance of genuineness and authenticity in your response.
Discuss how to talk about your children’s concerns from a culturally informed perspective which is tailored to developmental stages.
Receive handouts, practical lists, online resources, and examples scripts to use when talking to your children.
Have the opportunity to share with other parents who have experience in walking through these experiences with their children.

Workplace Violence Prevention Plans
Required by California’s SB553 and recommended for all workplaces, these plans identify and mitigate potential risk factors for violence and include procedures for responding to violence and potential violence. DPrep Safety offers templates and can work with you to tailor them to your site’s needs. We also offer comprehensive site walkthroughs and can train your staff on how to prepare for and respond to potential violence.