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My name is Dr. Brian Van Brunt, and our team will be offering a series of trainings for the Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association. This four-part training will be offered over two days, June 3rd and 13th, from 8:30 central time to 11:45 central (join the Zoom). The trainings will be recorded for those unable to attend and to serve as a refresher during the upcoming year as you build and improve your CARE/BIT teams and threat assessment capacity.


When DPrep Safety was first approached about offering this training, I was extremely excited for the opportunity. During my career, I have authored over a dozen books on the topic of violence risk and threat assessment and has been an invited plenary speaker to the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP) and the Canadian Association of Threat Assessment Professionals CATAP). I was a major contributing author of the NABITA Risk Rubric and the sole creator of the SIVRA-35 Assessment Tool, the Violence Risk Assessment of the Written Word (VRAWW), the Non-Clinical Assessment of Suicide Tool (NAS), the Incel Indoctrination Rubric (IIR), and the Extremist Risk Intervention Scale (ERIS). Along with Bethany Smith, I developed the Pathways Triage System and the DarkFox Violence Risk and Threat Assessment System, which is also currently licensed to ICS as a tool for making Title IX interim separation decisions.


We put together the following survey to help us narrow topics for our two training days. Please take a few minutes to let us know which topics are of the highest priority to you. We’ll use the information to create (and narrow and expand) the agendas for each session. It will also help me create a relatable case study we can work through together. All answers will be kept confidential, and any information used will be presented in aggregate.


After the survey ends, this page will transform into a resource site with useful videos, supplemental handouts, checklists, and case studies for your use. We will also include membership access to the International Alliance of Care and Threat Teams.  

Training Preferences


Please rank the following from 1 to 4 in order of importance and time spent in training.

Foundational Team Concepts

(e.g., name, marketing, membership, mission, size, process)

Advanced/Practical Team Concepts

(e.g., assessment/treatment, parents, bias, reports)

Working with Other Departments on Campus

(e.g., police, faculty, conduct, Title IX)

Threat Assessment

(e.g., when to use it, who does it, structured process)

Consider the following areas below and rate them on a scale of 1–5 based on how important the subject is to cover.


Team Foundations​


1 = Not needed

2 = Somewhat needed

3 = Useful if time allows

4 = Very needed

5 = Critical area


Naming and marketing the team
Team membership (primary and secondary members)
Documentation best practices: dos and don’ts
Faculty and staff discussed as BIT cases
How threat assessment fits into a BIT/CARE model
Using triage tools and assessments consistently at each meeting
Information sharing within the BIT (FERPA, HIPAA, state confidentiality law)
Sharing information outside the team with faculty and staff
Setting up a successful, effective, and efficacious team process for meetings

Advanced/Practical Team Concepts​


1 = Not needed

2 = Somewhat needed

3 = Useful if time allows

4 = Very needed

5 = Critical area


End-of-semester and end-of-year reports
When (and how) to close a case
The risks and benefits of enlisting parents or guardians
Common legal pitfalls for a team
Successful interventions for students who are non-compliant with BIT requests
Mandated assessment and treatment
Addressing student alcohol and drug use via the BIT/CARE
Bias and how it impacts our decision-making on assessments and interventions
Office safety and the involvement of law enforcement during the interview

Working with Campus Departments


1 = Not needed

2 = Somewhat needed

3 = Useful if time allows

4 = Very needed

5 = Critical area


BIT/CARE working with Campus Departments
Managing chronic behaviors related to mental illness
Addressing faculty, staff, and students who feel threatened
Understanding student conduct and BIT intersections
The role (and limitations) of clinical counselors on the BIT
Intersectionality between BIT and Title IX processes
Best practices in conducting a welfare check with law enforcement
How to talk to faculty about the difference between feeling threatened vs. being threatened

Working with Campus Departments


1 = Not needed

2 = Somewhat needed

3 = Useful if time allows

4 = Very needed

5 = Critical area


The difference between substantive and transient threats
A review of targeted/mission-oriented vs. instrumental/affective violence
The difference between mandated assessment and mandated treatment
Violence risk assessment and foundational concepts of threats
Violence risk assessment with a focus on social media and written content
The difference between a psychological assessment and violence risk/threat assessment
Using a checklist to guide information gathering and decision-making
A review of protective, anchor, and stabilizing factors
A guided path to becoming more knowledgeable in violence risk and threat assessment (what courses, books, articles, and materials to study)
Building a threat mitigation plan after the violence risk assessment is completed
Working with third-party agencies like fusion centers, FBI, ATF, DHS, and local police
Common forms of implicit bias that impact information gathering and risk assignment
TN Board of Regents logo
TICUA logo

Resource Page

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June 3, 2024

8:30 AM – 12:15 PM CT

Download Slides

June 13, 2024

8:30 AM – 12:15 PM CT

Download Slides

Thank you for joining us for these training sessions.


My apologies for ending early on 6/13. Bethany (my usual timekeeper) was off to a family medical appointment and that left me misjudging the time zones for our end time. To make up for the time (and just in general...), we’ve listed a few times below if any team would like to meet with me for an hour to discuss any specific aspects of the training, receive some more narrowed advice or have me run a case through Pathways and DarkFox. We realize we threw a good amount of information past you for the training and want to make sure you had your questions answered. If none of the times below work for your team, please reach out to Bethany at and she can work with you to find a time that will.


We have also included some additional video elements from previous trainings with other schools that cover some of the topics we may have missed or that might be helpful for you. We have also shared a link the recordings from the recent Maryland BIT Affinity/AHEAD conference where Dr. Poppy Fitch, Jeanne Clifton, and I presented on trauma-informed interviewing and Dr. Amy Murphy, Jessica Gasbarro, and I presented on free speech.

There are no times currently available. Contact to schedule a meeting.

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Thank you. You are scheduled to meet with Brian on




You will also receive a calendar invitation with the Zoom link. If you need to reschedule, contact

BIT Team Standards PDF
BIT Development Checklist PDF
Referral Checklist and Service Audit PDF
Accessing Mental Health Treatment PDF
Building a Team Website PDF
Questions from Pushy Parents image_edited.jpg
CARE Team Talk PDF
Building a Concern Form PDF
Creating Intervention Planswith Students PDF
DD-12: Twelve Risk Factors for Sexual Violence on College Campuses PDF
The Role of Warning Behaviors in Threat Assessment PDF
Advanced Interview Skills PDF
Types of Threat PDF
Social Media Basics PDF
An Exploration of the Risk Protective and Other Factors Related to Violence PDF
Establishing Rapport PDF
Bias Mitigation PDF
Debunking the Myths: Mental Illness and Guns PDF
Adverse Childhood Experiences PDF
Trauma Reactions PDF
Safety in the Title IX Environment PDF


September 25, 2024

Free! Behavioral Intervention and Threat Teams in the Workplace

A diverse team sitting around a table

October 3, 2024

Violence Risk and Threat Assessment Certification (Five-week Course)

A woman taking notes during an interview

September 26, 2024

Navigating Campus Protests and Unrest: Innovative Solutions and Crucial Conversations

An illustration of people protesting in silhouette

October 22, 2024

Free! Online Safety and Situational Awareness

A woman using an iPad with the image of a lock overlaying it
LinkedIn logo
Facebook logo


Brian Van Brunt, EdD

Brian Van Brunt, EdD

Director of Behavior & Threat Management

Jessica Gasbarro, JD

Jessica Gasbarro

Vassar College

Bethany Smith

Bethany Smith

Director of Safety

Amy Murphy, PhD

Amy Murphy, PhD

Angelo State University

Jeanne Clifton

Jeanne Clifton

Salem State University

Lisa Pescara-Kovach, PhD

Lisa Pescara-Kovach, PhD

University of Toledo

Poppy Fitch, PhD

Poppy Fitch, PhD

San Diego Community College District

Chris Taylor, PhD

Chris Taylor, PhD


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