Campus Safety Resources
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Campus Safety Leadership
All Hazard Emergency Response offers detailed and practical advice to better prepare college students to prepare for and know how to respond to a wide variety of emergency situations. By emphasizing critical thinking skills and learning what to do prior to an emergency situation, the course provides life skills needed to safely navigate a range of emergencies they may encounter on and off campus.
Crisis De-escalation offers detailed and practical advice to better prepare college students, staff and faculty to respond to situations where a person is escalating towards violence. Grounded in theory from psychology, law enforcement and biology, this program will offer a practical approach to taking the temperature down in heated interactions.
Situational Awareness offers detailed and practical advice to better prepare college student, staff and faculty to attend to their surroundings to better improve their ability to respond to potential threat or danger. By identifying risks before they occur, we can improve community member’s chances to survive a potential attack.
Bias Mitigation in Contextual Information Gathering, Decision Making and Interventions
With Dr. Brian Van Brunt and Nina Delgadillo