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Other Resources:
AAC&U VALUE Rubrics: VALUE rubrics are open educational resources (OER) that enable educators to assess students’ original work. AAC&U offers a proven methodology for applying the VALUE rubrics to evaluate student performance reliably and verifiably across 16 broad, cross-cutting learning outcomes.
University of Michigan Equitable Teaching: Ongoing student activism at the University of Michigan and across the United States has been a catalyst for renewed faculty engagement in issues of diversity and inclusion. In response to that activism, and in order to build upon existing efforts within the College of LSA to address campus climate concerns, we commit to providing innovative teaching methods and tools that foster success for students through equitable teaching practices.
The Pandemic Ripple Effect: Our public health crisis will eventually reach an end, but even then, the pandemic won’t really be “over.” Like many other parts of society, higher education has been fundamentally disrupted, and we will be living with the ripple effects for years to come.
Your Facilitators
Mission College
Crucial Conversations on Combatting Antisemitism and Islamophobia
DPrep Safety will be moderating some conversations related to combatting antisemitism and Islamophobia on your campus and how to have healthy and productive conversations about these difficult topics. In preparation for that event, we'd like to ask you to complete this short survey. This survey was created to assess the views of the Mission College community related the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Results will be shared in aggregate form back to the college and will be used to better inform the listening sessions and future conversations.